When deprived of serum or when crowded, the cells enter a viable G1 arrested state. The cells are anchorage independent.
Established from the thyroid gland (right lobe) of a 70-year-old woman with thyroid anaplastic carcinoma in 1988; described as being tumorigenic in heterotransplanted nude mice
Ishikawa (人子宫内膜癌细胞) (STR鉴定正确)
DU 145细胞是从一位有3年淋巴细胞白血病史的前列腺癌患者的脑部转移病灶损害中建株的。DU 145细胞和从软琼脂中分离到的细胞不具有可检测的激素敏感性,酸性磷酸酶呈弱阳性。对DU 145细胞及原始肿瘤细胞的亚显微结构分析可见微绒毛,微丝及细胞桥粒,有许多线粒体,发育良好高尔基体和异质溶酶体。DU 145细胞不表达前列腺抗体。
CAL 27细胞是由J·Gioanni于1982年建系,源自一位56岁白人男性的舌头中倍的病变部位;CAL 27细胞角蛋白强阳性。